Big bags
We offer a carefully selected range of big bags that are customised to your specific requirements. This means that big bags are always delivered in the design that suits you best. We are confident that together we can find the right design and variant that best matches your end product and production process.
Big bags are delivered via selected manufacturers.
We are ready to assist and advise
If you have any questions about the product or you are interested in finding out how we can help you to develop, please use the telephone number below or email our sales department using the form below.
+45 3164 12 65
Big bags are a clever and efficient solution
Big bags are considered one of the most ideal and cost-effective packaging solutions for manufacturing, transport and storage of high-volume products.
Big bags make it easy to efficiently store, handle and transport large volumes and to optimise production flow, for instance because they can be emptied easily and completely depending on the chosen design.
For foods, we manufacture GFSI certified big bags, and naturally they are approved for food contact. Different emptying and filling options ensure safe and efficient handling. UN certification and surface treatment for static electricity are among the many safety options available.
We deliver big bags for foods, pharmaceuticals and feed.
Big bags with security from start to finish
To ensure the optimal packaging solution for your product, we follow a structured process.
We start with your unique needs and work through a number of key parameters together to find the right solution.
Big bags: A design for every need
Big bags can be assembled in many ways and there are a multitude of options for customization.
Based on volume and content, we develop customised solutions for foods, pharmaceuticals, feed and end products of a more technical nature.
Big bags are more than just packaging
There are many ways to market your business. Big bags can be one of them.
Logos and print on big bags can increase the visibility and awareness of your brand.
We delivers big bags tailored to the customer’s needs, with the possibility of print on multiple sides in the desired colour and size.
Big bags are delivered via selected manufacturers
We are ready to assist and advise about big bags
Call our sales department or fill in the form and we will get in touch.