Sharing health and well-being

Most Procudan employees received a professional health check this spring, which was followed by an offer of joint training that many accepted.

Most Procudan employees received a professional health check this spring, which was followed by an offer of joint training that many accepted.

Most people want good health and want to try to maintain or improve it.

However, many of us don't know how good our health really is, even though it's relevant to know if we need to change something or if we lack motivation to create positive change.

That's why all employees in Denmark and Sweden were offered a health check this spring, where we had the opportunity to quantify medically relevant factors such as fitness, waist circumference, blood pressure, cholesterol and blood sugar.


Advice for improvement and bootcamp

The health check was carried out by Health Group, which also provided practical recommendations on how individuals could improve their health in everyday life.
And there was a bit of communal help for that, too.

As part of the offer to employees, a weekly joint training session was organised during the Physio Bootcamp, which took place in Procudan's own green areas after working hours.

Participants had the opportunity to get a follow-up health check to see if the training had made a difference.

The bootcamp has finished after eight weeks, but we're still holding the weekly group training for those who want to.

Read more about how we see a healthy work environment as a shared responsibility below:

ESG at Procudan

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