From stress to well-being - well on the road to recovery

Bente works in the quality department at Procudan and shows how small steps in the right direction can make a big difference.

At Procudan, we believe that companies can contribute to helping people back into the labour market. That is why we were delighted to welcome Bente to our quality department. Since August 2024, she has been working with us as a trainee with support from Haderslev Municipality in Denmark.


Small steps in the right direction

Bente, a trained laboratory technician, had been out of the labour market for a year due to stress before she applied for a position with us.

- I had applied to ten different places and was lucky to apply at just the right time when there was an opening in the quality department at Procudan, she says.

Today, she works 12 hours a week. Together with her case manager and our Quality and Environment Manager, Mette Guldborg, she is working to gradually increase her working hours. The goal is to find a balance between her work life and well-being. Eventually, Bente hopes to be able to work up to 30 hours a week.


A workplace with room for the whole person

We know how important it is to feel welcome and valued in the workplace, which is something we have prioritised when working with Bente.

- It means a lot to come to a place where you are welcomed. Everyone says good morning, and there’s a good atmosphere. You can feel the spirit of the company, she says.


Tasks that make sense

In the quality department, Bente registers cheese wax samples and raw materials, and answers customer enquiries about certificates. The tasks are varied and customised to her needs.

- It’s important to find tasks that you enjoy. I’m happy to come here, and I’m happy to go home, says Bente, who lives in Vojens in southern Denmark.

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