Focus on flavour
For several years, a number of Procudan employees have been active in the Flavour Network, which is part of the Food & Bio Cluster Denmark. The network brings together key people in the food industry who are passionate about developing flavourful products.
- The Flavour Network allows us to share our experiences and learn how best to develop and market flavours. The aim is to create products that capture the consumer’s interest even before the first bite, says Carsten L. Christensen, Account Manager at Procudan.
A new theme every time
When the Flavour Network meets, there is always a new topic for discussion and exchange of experience. This time, the topic was food packaging, where Procudan’s Product Manager for Cheese Wax, Maja Duelund, gave the day’s first presentation.
And it was no coincidence that Procudan focused on packaging.
- We support our customers throughout the entire development process. Not only are we closely involved in the ingredients and recipe composition, but we are also often consulted when the packaging needs to be optimised and improved. This is true not only when my packaging colleagues provide advice on packaging choices and sustainability for a wide range of food products, but also for cheese wax packaging. In the autumn of 2023, we launched ProCera® Natural, a 100% natural cheese wax that allows the cheese to mature and develop in the same way as you are used to with our traditional cheese waxes, explains Carsten L. Christensen.
Flavour and sensory development
After lunch, Marlene Grønbeck from the Danish Technological Institute gave the day’s second presentation. As head of sensory science, she explained how the institute helps companies assess whether packaging affects the taste or smell of the product, which gave members an insight into how packaging choices can affect the sensory experience of food.
The Taste Network holds four meetings a year in different locations around Denmark, with time for discussions, cases, tastings and tours - always with taste at the centre.